Yee Kae
Yike (pronounce Yee Kae) is another form of Khmer Entertainment. The show is always starts with dance called Homrong. It is sort of a ritual to request god of art and performance a permission to perform, to cleanse the stage from evil acts, and to lead the show to be successful.
To learn more, click on the image.
Custom & Tradition
The word Khmer is referred to Cambodian people or the Cambodian language. The Khmer were influenced by Indian traders and scholars...
To learn more, click on the image.
Temple! Temple! Temple! Cambodian ancestors left us abundant heritage. We are so proud of them. Everywhere we go, we see temples, some ruins, many others...
To learn more, click on the image.
Classical Dances
Khmer classical dancers use stylized movements and gestures to tell a story much like a mime.
To learn more, click on the image.
Yee Kae
Yike (pronounce Yee Kae) is another form of Khmer Entertainment. The show is always starts with dance called Homrong. It is sort of a ritual to request god of art and performance a permission to perform, to cleanse the stage from evil acts, and to lead the show to be successful.
To learn more, click on the image.
Lakhon Bassac
Lakhon Bassac is a traditional opera play, a Cambodian type of entertainment. It is one of the most popular play in Cambodia in the old day, especially in a rural countryside, performed in dry season (summer) after harvesting crops during a festival.
To learn more, click on the image.
Folklore Dances
Khmer folk dances are fast-paced dances. They are performed for ordinary people at the countryside while classical dances are for the king/queen's pleasure at the royal place.
To learn more, click on the image.
Natural Wonders
Cambodia is very unique in her natural setting. Beside ancient temples that seem to be everywhere, there are places where visitors may enjoy.
To learn more, click on the image.
Lakhon Bassac
Lakhon Bassac is a traditional opera play, a Cambodian type of entertainment. It is one of the most popular play in Cambodia in the old day, especially in a rural countryside, performed in dry season (summer) after harvesting crops during a festival.
To learn more, click on the image.
Classical Dances
Khmer classical dancers use stylized movements and gestures to tell a story much like a mime.
To learn more, click on the image.
Temple! Temple! Temple! Cambodian ancestors left us abundant heritage. We are so proud of them. Everywhere we go, we see temples, some ruins, many others...
To learn more, click on the image.
Khmer Traditional Music
Khmer music is often divided into three categories: (1) pin peat, the ceremonial music of the former royal courts...
To learn more, click on the image.
Folklore Dances
Khmer folk dances are fast-paced dances. They are performed for ordinary people at the countryside while classical dances are for the king/queen's pleasure at the royal place.
To learn more, click on the image.
Temple! Temple! Temple! Cambodian ancestors left us abundant heritage. We are so proud of them. Everywhere we go, we see temples, some ruins, many others...
To learn more, click on the image.
Natural Wonders
Cambodia is very unique in her natural setting. Beside ancient temples that seem to be everywhere, there are places where visitors may enjoy.
To learn more, click on the image.
Khmer Traditional Music
Khmer music is often divided into three categories: (1) pin peat, the ceremonial music of the former royal courts...
To learn more, click on the image.
Lakhon Bassac
Lakhon Bassac is a traditional opera play, a Cambodian type of entertainment. It is one of the most popular play in Cambodia in the old day, especially in a rural countryside, performed in dry season (summer) after harvesting crops during a festival.
Temple! Temple! Temple! Cambodian ancestors left us abundant heritage. We are so proud of them. Everywhere we go, we see temples, some ruins, many others...
To learn more, click on the image.
Folklore Dances
Khmer folk dances are fast-paced dances. They are performed for ordinary people at the countryside while classical dances are for the king/queen's pleasure at the royal place.
To learn more, click on the image.
Custom & Tradition
The word Khmer is referred to Cambodian people or the Cambodian language. The Khmer were influenced by Indian traders and scholars...
To learn more, click on the image.
Natural Wonders
Cambodia is very unique in her natural setting. Beside ancient temples that seem to be everywhere, there are places where visitors may enjoy.
To learn more, click on the image.
Folklore Dances
Khmer folk dances are fast-paced dances. They are performed for ordinary people at the countryside while classical dances are for the king/queen's pleasure at the royal place.
To learn more, click on the image.
Khmer Traditional Music
Khmer music is often divided into three categories: (1) pin peat, the ceremonial music of the former royal courts...
To learn more, click on the image.
Custom & Tradition
The word Khmer is referred to Cambodian people or the Cambodian language. The Khmer were influenced by Indian traders and scholars...
To learn more, click on the image.
Classical Dances
Khmer classical dancers use stylized movements and gestures to tell a story much like a mime.
To learn more, click on the image.